If you would like to use the latest mainline Linux kernel (for improved hardware compatibility, or performance, or any other reason), this is the process to do it.
Caution - This KB article may have issues. See details at the bottom.
Configure via Shell
dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb
dnf install epel-release elrepo-release
dnf --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-ml
Configure via Ansible
- name: Install mainline kernel
hosts: all
- name: Ensure the crb repository is enabled
name: crb
state: enabled
- name: Enable EPEL
name: epel-release
- name: Enable ELRepo
name: elrepo-release
- name: Install mainline kernel
name: kernel-ml
enablerepo: elrepo-kernel
state: latest
When a normal dnf upgrade runs, if the OS kernel is updated then the system will revert to the shipped 5.15 kernel instead of the mainline kernel. Still working on troubleshooting this. If you know how to resolve it, reach out. Thanks!